Excited about KDE 4.0


Just a few days ago the KDE 4.0 was announced. It seems that everyone was already excited about KDE 4.0. People using Kubuntu 7.10 Gutsy can try KDE 4.0. Ubuntu Geek has an explained version of the same intstructions here. Tombuntu has ten tips for KDE 4.0 Beginners and patchshorts writes about 5 Things to hate about KDE 4.0.

I am not trying KDE 4.0 yet, I think it is still in development phase and since I am not an advanced KDE user I might find it difficult to use. Reading about KDE 4 at OpenSuse website and Kubuntu I feel that I might run into problem if I try to install it. DistroWatch weekly scares me further away in the featured story titled “Distributions and KDE 4:

KDE 4 is the start of something amazing and this is possibly the best definition of the current release – it’s here, it’s available, but it’s nowhere near ready for the prime time. It’s a decent start, though. So let’s give the KDE developers a round of applause for the courage to try something new and extraordinary, something that will eventually mature into a stable and reliable desktop environment we can all be proud to use on our computers.

Right now I have Kubuntu 7.10 and I am trying to get familiar with the K environment. I hope that KDE4 will be available with Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron which is a long term support release. It will be much safer and enjoyable to try KDE 4.0 then or may be I should wait till the release of KDE 4.1.

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Noumaan Yaqoob
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4 thoughts on “Excited about KDE 4.0

  1. I think it’s important for as many people as can to continue to try KDE4. Through all those trials we’ll get some good and effective feedback, and hopefully make the overall product a lot better in the long run. Try using your KDE4 sessions on days when you don’t have anything pressing and you’re able to devote a little time to coming to terms with the changes.

  2. I’m a GNOME user, but I’m glad that KDE4 shipped. The more applications migrate from Qt3 to Qt4, the better. Also, it’s good to finally have a stable API and ABI for kdelibs.

  3. I tried KDE4. There are some nice things, but it is far from being usable and stable.
    In no case these little extra things could improve my productivity whereas the numerous bugs need a lot of time – when possible – to get rid off.

    I will try again in 6 months.

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