- W0pht suggests that the new planet should be named Ubuntu.
- If you ever wanted to edit Grub there is now a script GrubEd available to do that in an easy GUI environment.
- Jan Stedehouder’s first work day under Ubuntu. Check out other posts in journey into Ubuntu category.
- Ubuntu Customization Guide – Ubuntu Forums. A reminder how I am going to help people customize Ubuntu. Just like UbuntuDemon I also have a [B]personal[/B] preference to do things with HOWTO’s. I find it easier and it saves a lot of time. It also helps me learn more and then I could help others set up Ubuntu easily. Doing things the ol’ fashioned way as some might call it.
- Introduction to CLI (Command Line Interface) will be the topic for the class scheduled on 19th and 20th August in The Classroom a project by Ubuntu New User Network.
I welcome feedback on Ubuntu Customization Guide. There are a couple of threads dedicated to discussion/feedback.